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St. Louis at Kansas City

May 21, 2006
img2:10 PM Eastern
Premium Pick
2 units on Saint Louis -191 (moneyline) (risk 2 to return 3.05)

In baseball, there are mismatches day in and day out and then there are games that just seem unfair. This game seems to be one of those games. Of course, anything can happen in baseball, but this does not mean we do not place a wager on what is an incredibly strong play. The Cards have won their last 4 straight and the Roayals have "one-uped" them on the opposite end of the spectrum having now lost 7 in a row. The mighty Cards are 27-15 the lowly Royals are now 9-30. Jeff Suppan takes to the mound for the Cards and although his ERA is 4.61, keep in mind that most of the inflation is due to the outing he had back in April 18th against the Pirates in which he gave up 8 earned runs. Since then, he has given up 8 runs in 28 innings which is less than 3 earned runs a game. Couple that with Elarton having given up 9 runs in just 14 innings of late, the pitching edge goes to the Cardinals. Again, this is more about offense though. St. Louis is scoring 5 per game vs. 3.8 for KC. The Cardinals are 5-0 of late in their road games, 4-1 in Suppan's last 5 as a favorite whit the Royals are 0-7 in interleague play as an underdog and the Cardinals are 9-1 in their last 10 meetings in Kansas City. Big favorites with a very good bullpen whose ERA is 3.33 or better on the season facing an opponent with a starting pitcher with poor control (more than 2.75 BB's/start) are 75-12 (86%) since 1997. Finally, the Cards are 21-4 this year as a favorite of -150 or hight. St. Louis here.


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