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San Diego at Arizona

August 30, 2006
img6:40 PM Eastern
Premium Pick
2 units on San Diego +127 (moneyline) (risk 2 to return 4.54)

If you look at the starting pitching matchup, you gotta like Arizona here. But that's why I like the Pads. While Claduio Vargas has been pretty good this season (10-8) and has perfromed well historically against the Padres, his ERA is below average (5.78 at home). Mike Thompson has struggled of late and has a bad 7.76 ERA on the road. But, baseball, as we know, is about hitting as well as pitching. I don't see any reason for Vargas to have a lot of success against San Diego this evening. The Padres score 5 runs per game on the road. They are finding ways to win right now while Arizona is not. This one could easily be close in the late innings and backing up Thompson is an awesome bullpen that sports a 2.98 road ERA. Arizona's bullpen has a 4.93 ERA at home. San Diego is a winning road team (34-29) that also wins against right handed pitchers (54-49). Arizona is a losing home team (32-34) that doesn't perform well against righties (46-54). Pads here.


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